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Friday, February 12, 2016

Creating an Enchanted Space

I've been busy sharing some glimpses into my favorite things around my home and little homestead. Over the past couple of years, I've been working on creating a space I love and loving the space I'm in. Far too long, I put things off, wouldn't commit to anything because we might move, until one day I said ENOUGH! I must live in a space that I LOVE! Now, I could show you pictures of the pile of dishes in the sink right now as I type, or the laundry that needs to be put away, or the rest of the long list of things that need to be done. It isn't perfect, it never will be, it's always a work in progress. But what I do have is an overall space I love to create in. Yes, it can be messy, as Life often is. To me, and Enchanted Space isn't about the perfection (which is hard for this Virgo to say) but rather, finding the enchantment in the midst of the mess (both literally and figuratively speaking). Don't get bogged down in the details, but don't overlook the details either. It's finding balance between growing/creating and embracing what you have. Look around. Is there something in your space that just drains you? Is there one thing you can choose today to change? Sometimes it's a mental shift, a change in thought or how you look at something. Sometimes, it might be physically changing a space. Whichever it is, allow yourself the freedom of change!

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