We use the pretty basic recipe floating around out there.
2 Tablespoons melted Coconut Oil
1 Tablespoon Xylitol- I prefer xylitol over baking soda. It sweetens it plus is thought to help restore minerals to the teeth. I use the flat blade of our Silver Bullet blender to grind it finer for toothpaste
About 10-15 drops of Essential Oil- I use Peppermint Oil- it gives it that minty fresh taste plus is anti-bacterial
Mix everything together. The Coconut Oil will solidify when it cools. I keep mine in a small glass container. I also quadriple this recipe (x's 4) to fit the container I have- 1 cup, but I use about 25 drops of peppermint oil and that's plenty for that nice minty taste.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Friday, February 12, 2016
Creating an Enchanted Space
I've been busy sharing some glimpses into my favorite things around my home and little homestead. Over the past couple of years, I've been working on creating a space I love and loving the space I'm in. Far too long, I put things off, wouldn't commit to anything because we might move, until one day I said ENOUGH! I must live in a space that I LOVE! Now, I could show you pictures of the pile of dishes in the sink right now as I type, or the laundry that needs to be put away, or the rest of the long list of things that need to be done. It isn't perfect, it never will be, it's always a work in progress. But what I do have is an overall space I love to create in. Yes, it can be messy, as Life often is. To me, and Enchanted Space isn't about the perfection (which is hard for this Virgo to say) but rather, finding the enchantment in the midst of the mess (both literally and figuratively speaking). Don't get bogged down in the details, but don't overlook the details either. It's finding balance between growing/creating and embracing what you have. Look around. Is there something in your space that just drains you? Is there one thing you can choose today to change? Sometimes it's a mental shift, a change in thought or how you look at something. Sometimes, it might be physically changing a space. Whichever it is, allow yourself the freedom of change!
If you plant it, they will come- Monarchs
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Eli releasing butterflies |
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One of my favorite pictures!! You can see how this hungry little caterpillar has munched on the milkweed leaf. |
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Chrysalis in the background, drying monarch, then in the foreground, one that is about to emerge |
There are many sites with good information about raising monarchs. Here is one I used. The basics are to be sure to clean their habitat out daily, have water for them (I soaked a sponge in sugar water), and give them fresh milkweed leaves daily. Once they go into their chrysalis, set them somewhere they won't be bothered (i.e. curious kids or cats) and leave them. Once they started to emerge, I did make sure they had fresh water on the sponge. We released them all at once, about 24 hours after the last one emerged, making sure the wings were dry.
Sherri's Garden
Here's one of my gardens as we were building it.
And then, later that year
I'm really ready for spring.
Baby chicks and ducks
I call our little homestead Peace of Earth Homestead. We've done quite a bit with our 2 acres! We've raised chickens (both for eggs and meat), turkeys (eggs and meat) and ducks (eggs). Currently, we have a pair of turkeys, 13 laying hens, 1 rooster, 3 guineas and 6 ducks. We LOVE our ducks!!! This spring, when we have a broody hen, we will be hatching out more ducks. And there's very little that's cuter than baby ducks. Hopefully I'll have lots of baby duck pictures to share this spring! But for now, here's one from a few years ago. Isn't he cute?
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When I first made these, I was thinking about my grandmother and dad (both have passed away). I learned how to can beets from my dad, who learned from his mother. I could feel both of them with me as I peeled the beets. In case you don't know, canning beets is a lot of work! I now realize just how much love went into each jar from year's past. A dinner at my grandmother's always included a jar of canned/pickled beets.
Here is the recipe passed down to me:
Pick beets- cut tops off, but leave the root (this is very important, according to my dad)
Rinse- I got most of the dirt off, but they will be cooked and peeled, so don't worry about getting them perfectly clean.
Cook- boil like potatoes. They are done when you can put a fork into them, tender, like you would for potatoes.
Rinse- I pour mine into a large colander in the sink and run cold water over them. They are still warm when I peel them.
Peel- The peeling comes right off- I also cut the tops and bottoms.
Fill jars- I do mine in pint jars
At this point, if you're going to follow the directions for canning in the Ball Blue Book and use the hot water method, get your water started, then prepare the following mixture for canning.
Heat together and boil for 10 min. the following:
For 4 pints
2 Cups Sugar
2 Cups Water
2 Cups Apple Cider Vinegar
1t. whole cloves
1t whole allspice
1T Cinnamon
Pour over beets, place lids/rings on jars and then continue with canning directions from your Ball Blue Book. They do have directions for pickled beets, which I did. *Bring water to a simmer, place jars in, bring to a rolling boil and maintain for 30 min. Turn off, let jars cool down in pot (I left mine in for a couple of hours), then place on towels on the counter and cover with a towel. Check for seal within 24 hours. *PLEASE read the directions from the Ball Blue Book!! This is just a brief summary so you know what you're getting yourself into!
Make-It-How-You-Like-It Granola
After hours of searching for the perfect granola recipe, I finally gave up!! Armed with several I liked, I decided to create a new one. I call it Make-It-How-You-Like-It Granola, because that's just what I did! And, oh how yummy!!! And, for those of you who really don't like to follow a recipe, like me, you will love this. For those of you who need more direction, you will love this! Also, Eli loved helping make this- scooping, pouring, stirring- all the things he's really good at doing :) And, he loves to help eat it!
For the recipe:
First, choose 6 cups of nuts and/or seeds: pecans, pepitas (raw pumpkin seeds) raw sunflower seeds, almonds (whole or slivered), walnuts, flax seeds. For mine, I chose 2 cups of slivered almonds, 2 cups walnuts (which I chopped in my food processor), 1 cup pepitas and 1 cup sunflower seeds. If you choose whole walnuts, almonds, and/or pecans, coarsely chop them in a food processor.
Next, choose 5-7 cups of the following- oats, unsweetened coconut, almond meal, flaxmeal. I choose 2 cups of oats and 3 cups of coconut. If I were choosing 7 cups of almond meal and flaxmeal, I would use whole almonds/flax seeds and chop them finer than coarse but not as fine as fine in a food processor. I like my granola to be a bit chunky.
Add 1 t cinnamon and 1 t salt.
Add the wet ingredients: 1/2 cup raw honey, 3 tsp vanilla, 1 cup oil- I used coconut oil in a liquid state. I'm sure safflower oil would be good too, or any other better grade oil.
Optional 1/2- 1 cup dried fruit- I used cranberries.
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Mix everything together. Spread mixture on baking sheet (either on 2 or do in batches). Bake for 10 mins and stir. Do this 1 or 2 more times. I like to cook mine for 30 min. You're looking for a nice light golden color. It will darken just a little when it cools, it will also dry as it cools. Once cool/dry, store.
For the recipe:
First, choose 6 cups of nuts and/or seeds: pecans, pepitas (raw pumpkin seeds) raw sunflower seeds, almonds (whole or slivered), walnuts, flax seeds. For mine, I chose 2 cups of slivered almonds, 2 cups walnuts (which I chopped in my food processor), 1 cup pepitas and 1 cup sunflower seeds. If you choose whole walnuts, almonds, and/or pecans, coarsely chop them in a food processor.
Next, choose 5-7 cups of the following- oats, unsweetened coconut, almond meal, flaxmeal. I choose 2 cups of oats and 3 cups of coconut. If I were choosing 7 cups of almond meal and flaxmeal, I would use whole almonds/flax seeds and chop them finer than coarse but not as fine as fine in a food processor. I like my granola to be a bit chunky.
Add 1 t cinnamon and 1 t salt.
Add the wet ingredients: 1/2 cup raw honey, 3 tsp vanilla, 1 cup oil- I used coconut oil in a liquid state. I'm sure safflower oil would be good too, or any other better grade oil.
Optional 1/2- 1 cup dried fruit- I used cranberries.
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Mix everything together. Spread mixture on baking sheet (either on 2 or do in batches). Bake for 10 mins and stir. Do this 1 or 2 more times. I like to cook mine for 30 min. You're looking for a nice light golden color. It will darken just a little when it cools, it will also dry as it cools. Once cool/dry, store.
Sherri's Pesto Recipe
I'm in full on garden planning mode. One of the things I love is Basil!! We're starting to run low on our stash of Pesto so I'm making plans for make more over the summer.
This is a great gift, easy if you have to bring a side to a party or an easy dinner (we like to put ours with chicken and pasta). If you like Pesto, I think you'll LOVE this recipe!
Sherri's Pesto Recipe
This is a great gift, easy if you have to bring a side to a party or an easy dinner (we like to put ours with chicken and pasta). If you like Pesto, I think you'll LOVE this recipe!
Sherri's Pesto Recipe
First, I plant LOTS of basil in the spring- at least 12 plants.
Next, we wait until it grows enough to harvest. We always hope for about 3 harvests per year.
Finally, it’s time to harvest and make pesto!
I go to Sam’s to buy all of my additional ingredients in bulk. Yes, we make that much! It’s our goal to make at least 12 pints, plus enough for gifts.
Ingredients, which I buy from Sam’s:
big bag of Walnuts, 2 lb bag of Pecorino Romano grated cheese, 24 oz. container of shredded Parmesan, 3 lb container of Garlic (we use lots of garlic for lots of things)
Additional ingredient: salt
I mix everything up in my Blendtec blender. After many trial and errors, I have finally figured out the perfect order to put ingredients in the blender for the best blending. Basically this magical order to perfect blending is oil/walnuts, basil, cheeses/garlic/salt. If you’re wondering, yes, I’m a Virgo.
1 C. Olive Oil
2/3 C. Walnuts
4 C Basil
1/2 C. Parmesan
1/2 C. Pecorino Romano
4-6 garlic cloves
Salt to taste- approx. 1 t
Blend on the “sauces/dips” setting. Makes 1 pint. We freeze ours in glass pint jars we’ve either saved or glass canning jars.
Friday, February 5, 2016
a little bit of housekeeping
please excuse some of the dust and mess as we are moving things to where we need them to be
Books We Love
Enchanted Living
Live Your Intentions
Books We Love
Enchanted Living
Live Your Intentions
Books We Love,
Enchanted Living,
Live Your Intentions,
Live Your Intentions
I wrote this really cool book a few years ago. It was at the height of the Law of Attraction craze. I found myself so terribly frustrated- both with my life and with what I was seeing around me. What was to be an empowering Spiritual tool was becoming anything but! There was a missing component and it was the Universal Law of Action!! What you THINK + what you DO = YOUR LIFE! So, I wrote a book. It's a very practical guide on how to combine these principles, to move from simply setting intentions into consciously living those intentions. There are small, but yet powerful, creative exercises for each chapter. If you're ready for a fresheshingly pro-active approach to changing your life experience, then this is the book for you! This book really laid the groundwork for where I am now and with creating An Enchanted Life. It helped me get rid of what wasn't working so I had the space to create what I did want!
available in paperback and kindle,

Thursday, February 4, 2016
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